Anping Tenglu metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD
Informazioni sulla fornitura

Sell Spiral Conveyor Belt

Tempo di pubblicazione2017-02-20
Tempo scaduto2017-02-27

Anping Tenglu metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD Spiral Conveyor Belt Spiral Conveyor Belt are used through a variety of industries from food processing to heat treatment. Wire belt patterns include: Balance, Compound, Duplex, Chain Driven, Baking Bands, etc. Spiral wire belting makes the premier material for the major conveyor applications. Wire conveyor belt is made of various metals which will with stand both atmospheric and chemical corrosion, or of any alloy which will resist heat treating furnace temperatures. To eliminate any danger of product contamination, stainless steel wire belts are recommended. Industries served: Food Industry - Conveying, washing, blanching, drying, frying, freezing, baking, cooling, wrapping, packing, canning, bottling etc. Heat Treatment - Brazing, bluing, hardening, washing, degreasing, pickling, sintering, quenching, rinsing, tempering, drawing, enameling, etc. Ceramics and Glass Industries - Annealing, decorating, sanding etc.

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