Yestar Tech Group Limited
Informazioni sulla fornitura

Sell conductive filament,100D/36F,ESD

Tempo di pubblicazione2010-03-01
Tempo scaduto2012-02-29

SPEC.: 100D/36F Design NO. : HI-B36100D36 Material of Conductive Part: Carbon Base Material: Polyester Cross Section: Please look the upper right corner of following picture Color: Black Tenacity: 2.8CN/dtex Elongation: 40-60% Conduction of Electricity: 10^7 ohms/cm Melting Point: 255oC Application: Add Hiatstic conductive fiber in the fabric of anti-static work wear and cleanroom garment at regular intervals , this fabric can eliminate static . * Dustless fabric * linning of top grade suit * Anti-static kniting gloves * Anti-static single yarn drill and ply-yarn drill * Anti-static filter felt . Remark: We can intermingle this conductive filament as per your request .

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